Daily Archives: February 12, 2009

Hail to the Chief


There’s a ton of sports stuff to write about this week, but allow me a minute to post on a non-sports topic today because it’s fresh in my head. Also, because Keith told me to, and we all know it’s Keith’s world – we’re just living in it. I’ll tie in sports as much as I can because it wouldn’t feel right otherwise. And if IKH opens that door to non-sports stuff, we’re liable to turn into a bunch of pansies writing about the bad movie we saw last night or what we had for lunch today or our hilarious story from our trip to the DMV or our fucking cats. If that happens, it’s goodbye “clit pushups,” hello western grip handjobs. (One person here will get that.)

Said person and I went to see Will Ferrell on Broadway last night in “You’re Welcome America: A Final Night With George W. Bush.” It was fantastic. Totally worth the price of admission. We actually had comp tickets, but that’s just because we’re super cool. It still would’ve been worth whatever we paid had we paid anything. Which we didn’t. The rest of you unlucky bastards will still be able to see it on HBO on March 14th at minimum cost, so shut your cheap pieholes.

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